Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm back...

I think reason that I haven't blogged in so long is because I don't know which thought to expand on. at the end of the day, I just have too many that I am too overwhelmed to settle on one. a revelation occured to me today: I can jot down a few different subjects in one day... or even in one blog! sometimes the answer is just right in front of us, isn't it?

thots from today...

- "It's all in the spelling." I usually hate when people spell things the wrong way on purpose, but the spelling "thought" as "thot" is just too cute. I think the reason I am so fond of it is because it looks like the word "tot" which of course links to "tater tot." at this point I am reminded of loving tater tots as a kid... its all happy memories which mostly include mom, dad and jess as well. I don't think I have met anyone who doesn't like tater tots. the question is: why do we have to give them up as adults? you just don't see them as a part of "grown up" meals. on the contrary, there are also grown executives (a few of which I happen to know) that go to a certain restaurant downtown simply because you can have tater tots as a side with any meal. I don't know what I love most: that restaurant or the executives who aren't afraid to get tots!

- "Just stop, and ask yourself one question." I am reading a book about marriage and came across a line of thought that jumped right off the page and into my heart. I will probably regret admitting this, but I have learned that I am someone who "likes" to fight, argue, disagree, be right, etc. so, who usually starts these tiffs over tiny matters? guilty again. my husband is a blesssing for so many reasons, but mostly because he still loves me, dispite the previous confession. while many arguments are very productive, more of them are flat out unnecessary. back to the book I referenced: I came across a question that I pray will forever change my outlook on fighting, with anyone, but mostly with Tony: "If I knew I was going to heaven tomorrow, would I still argue about this today?" need I comment more?

- "Co-workers, you just never know." Just minutes before leaving work today, one co-worker commented to another about "multi-tasking" in the car on the way home. someone else piped in that they are guilty of the same thing. I chimed in (trying to be friendly and make small talk from over the cube wall) that I am proud of my multi-tasking skills in the car, but should probably be more careful on the road. I even added the cube chat chuckle at the end. the one co-worker quickly shot this back at me: "did you know that multi-tasking doesn't really exist? the brain can only do one thing at a time." I was taken back a few notches and I decided to agree right away. I am usually a slow internal processor, but I responded with, "well, I do various things at once, switching back and forth between them very quickly." This made me think, hm, I guess I need to update my resume with: "...good at doing many things at once, switching back and forth, while still watching for detail and performing a high quality of work." uhhh, I don't think they'd read that far down... or hire me. let's just stick with "exceptional multi-tasker" and leave the definition as what we have just discussed (unspoken of course). Well, that was a nice exercise for my brain, but I think I'm back to square one.

- "Productivity is relative." In response to Tony's blog, I happen to believe that blogging is indeed productive.


jh said...

Loved it! I'll be back to comment further when I'm not at work.

jh said...

I ain't afraid of no tater tot!