what comes to my mind when I think about Indian Lake...
greenish water, fishermen, locals, bugs, quaint shops, old restaurants, unique homes, islands, donut shop, mcdonalds, pew island, tecumseh island, spill over, rollerena, candy store, campground, garage sales, neighbors, gravel roads...
the house: my family, soft carpet, old towels, the peaceful sun room, the fans, timeless decorations, old plates and bowls, the smells of: eggs and bacon, coffee, sunscreen, fish, gas from the boat, an old deck of cards, popcorn, the sounds of: boats, kids, laughing, playing, dogs barking, lawnmowers, cookouts...
rollerblading, bike riding, skating, walking, reading, boating, swimming, all four seasons, laughing, family meals & games, birthday celebrations, friends, tripoley, yahtzee, jason, memaw and pawpaw...
the memories of these places, people, events, and activities are forever sketched on my heart, and are what truly define "Indian Lake" to me...