1. When was your "engagement" anniversary: August 28, 2004
2. When is your "marriage" anniversary: April 23, 2005
3. How long have you known your spouse: 8.5 years... since September 2, 2000
4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged: We dated just about 4 years before we he surprised me with an, "I love you" followed by a, "Will You Marry Me?" and a RING!
5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time: Campus Crusade for Christ at Ohio University. Specifically, Morton Hall :)
6. Do you have any children yet: No
7. How many: 0
8. Do you have any house pets: Yes, our Chihuahua, Piper!
9. Do you own a house or rent: Own a house
10. What is one of your favorite activities together: Anything! Dinner out, movies (out or in), shopping, being at home, hanging with family/friends/lifegroup, going to church, playing with Piper, rollerskatin', dancing at weddings, coffee shops, bookstores, taking trips... to name a few :)
11. Do you have a favorite vacation spot: Yes, 2! #1: Hawaii since it brings back wonderful honeymoon memories :) #2: San Diego, CA! We called it our 'honeymoon part two' (2 years later) and had SUCH a blast.
12. How many siblings (including in-laws): We each have 1 sister who is married which makes 2 siblings and 2 brother in-laws all together.
13. What church do you attend: Heritage Christian Church
14. Is this the church you were married: Yes, by Pastor Jim! Just weeks before major construction... the nursery room I got ready in is now a hallway...
15. How did you know that your spouse was "The One?": I'm not good at short answers! Well, we had quite a journey throughout our dating relationship during which the Lord taught us SO much about true love, His love. We kept trying to break up and God would bring us back together :) We are so similar yet so different which creates an amazing balance & connection. I liked him right away for how much we had in common yet equally for how many qualities he had that I lacked. Tony is the most amazing person I have ever met, and I knew early on that I wanted to spend forever by his side!
16. Where do you and your spouse work: He works for a small company, and I work for a very large company. Is that too breezy?
17. Where did you honeymoon: Oahu, Hawaii
18. Leave some of your favorite marriage advice: Uh oh, another hard one to shrink...
Love is a DECISION, not a feeling... CHOOSE to love one another every day. Be best friends and talk about everything. Honesty and communication are key! Keep Jesus Christ the center of your marriage and the focus of your life. Remain girlfriend and boyfriend forever! (Date nights are key.) Do these together: Attend church, pray, read the Bible and other books, go to counseling, play games, laugh, cry, travel, stay in, cook, clean, paint, and so much more... you get the idea :) Challenge your spouse yet encourage them even more. Speak highly of each other to those around you... a husband/wife is such a blessing to have! And or course, display ALL 5 Love Languages! (Read the book too.) Be quick to forgive... you aren't perfect either! Ok, I'll stop there :) But seriously, let me know if you want more... I kinda LOVE marriage!

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